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  1. Tanya Threlfall
    March 17, 2014 @ 8:18 am

    You are an amazing woman Jillianne Code. Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us. Each day you have demonstrated patience, love, acceptance, perseverance, understanding, positivity and most of all strength. You amaze me with your strength. It’s not easy to let people in especially when we feel vulnerable and scared. I know that. But I’m so glad you did. Continue to feel — the good, bad and the in between. We are all cheering for you. I am so very proud to call you my friend. Go team Jillianne! See you on the other side Hugs and High fives.

  2. Carol
    March 17, 2014 @ 8:36 am

    We’re cheering for you too – AND – we cry in baseball all the time :o)

    I felt a similar fear when Aidan underwent heart surgery – I couldn’t imagine them opening his chest, and I was afraid to look at the wound afterwards. . . BUT – because they opened his chest – his heart was able to be fully corrected. The heart scar wasn’t so bad, and shows a story of survival, and a reminder of just how far modern medicine has come. For that I’m grateful.

    Take good care, put on a brave face (or cry if you want to) you are in the thoughts of many and we’re all rooting for you too!

  3. Jamie
    March 17, 2014 @ 4:34 pm

    Continuing the baseball metaphor – your fans are rooting for you, Jill!!! You’re MVP, and sharing your story is part of that.

  4. Carolyn Thomas
    March 30, 2014 @ 1:00 pm

    I’m late to the party…. How did it go? How are you feeing? Best of luck to you… ♡

    • Carolyn Thomas
      March 30, 2014 @ 1:01 pm

      I meant “FEELING”, of course….

  5. Val Stewart
    April 10, 2014 @ 7:55 pm

    We are still here, rooting for you and Nick……praying for you, sending good thoughts, and generally, just loving you, Jill…….Thank you for letting us know what is happening.
    Val and Harvey Stewart

  6. Hard to Kill | heart failure
    May 6, 2014 @ 8:30 pm

    […] 17, 2014 LVAD Surgery. Scared? There’s no crying in baseball. Near death experience = 1 […]

  7. Introducing Vlad … (the Impaler) | heart failure
    June 22, 2014 @ 8:12 pm

    […] As though I am the bad (English?) accented Jonathan Harker speaking to my own benevolent doctor (if anyone on my medical team is reading this I will leave it to you to decide to which of my doctors I am referring. hmmm. My guess? Who’s most like Van Helsing… Dr. Toma? Perhaps… #jk) I can draw parallels to this fear when thinking of my own state of mind at several moments while in hospital. The fear is ever-present. It never really leaves. You just have to breathe it in and let it go. Before I figured this out though, through many of these moments, my fear could have crippled me. There was really only one moment throughout my ordeal vacation where I felt especially impotent – and this was right before my LVAD surgery as I wrote about in a previous post. […]