Ever watch those war movies? You know the ones where during the heat of battle one of the soldiers gets shot and the others carry the wounded one out because they swore to never leave a wounded soldier behind? Having a chronic and terminal illness is kinda like being a soldier, shot and left for dead on the battle field.
When I first found out I was sick 8 years ago as people found out they usually did one of two things: 1) they called, wrote, messaged etc. and passed on their thoughts and prayers and continue to offer their support or 2) they offered some kind words and I never heard from them again. I suspect that others with a chronic or terminal illness will tell you the same story. At the time it didn’t bother me because those who were closest to me still remain. These people are a part of my Platoon, if you will, and I am the wounded soldier. There is no way that I would be where I am today without the support of so many people – so many soldiers. (You should see Nick in his uniform #swoon).
Another lesson I have learned as I wage this war (tired of the analogy yet? No? OK…) is this: When the bullets of life start flying you really only have two choices 1) Stand defiantly before them and hope they pass you by and if they hit you then you deal with the wound, the pain and let others help you heal or 2) you duck and cover and nothing ever happens to you.
I, for one, prefer to stand defiantly before the flying bullets – especially since I know I have an army behind me.
Judy code
December 14, 2013 @ 10:19 am
At the risk of taking over your blog……a few thoughts from Mom. As a parent, when your child is young, you fight the wars for them…..defend them….protect them……hug them…..kiss them…..dry their tears. When they become adults, you have to step back & let them fight their own battles. You can still be there for them but you can’t take leadership. This has been extremely hard for us……trying to balance your need and not smother or interfere when our instinct is to rush in and vanquish the foe. We have watched with tremendous pride as you fight this war and at the same time accomplish so much. We will forever be at the head of your army and gladly give all that we can and all that you need us to give for you to win this battle……for you will win…..xoxoxo
Valerie Stewart
December 16, 2013 @ 2:49 pm
Although I knew you had a heart condition, and it was a serious one, I never thought of you as a person with health problems. I was always amazed at your brilliance, your intelligence, your sensitivity, and your unending willingness to take time to help others. And then there is your beauty! It is so easy to forget that you have a bad ticker…..but then I don’t live in your shoes everyday and feel what you feel. I just see this amazing woman live her life in an inspiring and loving way. I concur with your dad. You are NOT defective!
Please count me as one of your platoon even if we haven’t fought together for a long time. I am in the background, watching and cheering for you. If ever I should be so lucky to step up and be closer to you, I would deem it an honour.
Love you.